
Basic Foundation Package


3-month support package to secure a solid preparation and integration of your psychedelic ceremony or retreat.

Does this sound familiar?

You’ve booked a spot for a psychedelic group ceremony, but as the date comes closer, you feel a growing unease and even some worries start creeping in… You wonder: ‘How to prepare myself well? And what is important to create the right circumstances for this experience’? 


After coming out of your Plant Medicine retreat, you are full of new plans and feel bursting with inspiration. But, since your ‘afterglow’ started to wear off, you find yourself falling back into old patterns and routines again. A lot of time and money spent without reaping the real benefits from your work with these sacred entheogens…


You don’t want to ask for professional support and guidance on your ‘life after ceremony’ because ‘you should be able to do this on your own, right’? 

The result: you end up struggling in the dark by yourself, which makes you feel even more alone, misunderstood and isolated from your partner, friends, family and colleagues.

Does any of these scenarios sound familiar?

Don’t worry, you’re not the only one.

I see a lot of people struggling on their ‘path of the plants’.

And…I can relate too.

My support sessions

The 1-hour online sessions I offer are specially designed to support the preparation and integration of your Plant Medicine ceremony or retreat.

I am trained as a Counsellor (stress, grief + trauma-related issues) and eventually specialized in somatic (‘body focused’) psychedelic preparation and integration support.

Preparation and Integration support

What can you expect from a Preparation Session

During a preparation session I offer private guidance to support the preparation of your ceremony in the weeks before your Plant Medicine ceremony or retreat.

You might have already planned a retreat abroad and want to touch base with me for suggestions on how to best prepare for this.

Perhaps working on:

Intuitively ‘anchoring down’ an intention, theme or issue you would like to focus on.

Discussing practical preparation tips and ‘best practices’.

Body-focused (‘somatic’) techniques that help to better navigate intense (‘peak’) moments during your ceremony.

I will also provide a safe container for the questions or worries that you may have, to navigate this psychedelic experience well-prepared and in a confident way.

What happens during an Integration session

During an integration session I offer private after-care to support the integration of your ceremony in the weeks and months after coming back from your Plant Medicine ceremony or retreat.

I will offer:

A safe container for questions, concerns, or challenging experiences.

Practical tools and body-focused (‘somatic’) exercises to successfully translate, anchor, and embody the wisdom gained in the altered state of consciousness.

I will use:

Guided somatic exercises and visualizations that help you (re-) connect to your body + subconscious and reassess the highlights from your ceremony. Both the subtle, challenging and ecstatic can be as powerful to work with.

My objective is to support you in sustaining the transformation and change in your everyday life in a way that lasts. To maximize the benefits. For example, with choosing a new career path or overall sense of ‘purpose’, taking better care of yourself, or striving for a more conscious relationship with your loved ones.

No expiration date

Contrary to what is often assumed, the process of integration has no ‘expiration date’: it therefore doesn’t matter how long ago your ceremony took place. The somatic techniques that I use in my sessions will enable you to go back to the most memorable moments, renewing your ceremonial momentum and ‘after glow’, even if this is decades ago.

Kim, Norway, in his thirties

My first official client

“We have been working together for a few years now and Marijntje helps me find the alignment that enhances my trajectory and thus this very existence. Awesome being. Sublime conversation partner. Truly compassionate. Plethora of wisdom. Open-minded to the moon!”


Kat, UK, in her forties

“At the start of our Preparation session, I felt confused, heavy and sad.
1-hour later, I feel grounded again and I have access to feelings of joy.
I can truly relax and it feels like a breath of fresh air blew through my body.

Thank you so, so much Marijntje.
I truly appreciate you and the wonderous work that you do”.


“The insights gained from Plant Medicine don’t end when the journey ends, extending them into our daily lives requires a commitment to body-focused practices and inner work”.

The Plant Medicine people

Your investment:


4 x 60-minute sessions

(After every fourth session, you have the option to renew this package.)


545 euro

(it is possible to pay in 2 terms*)

We meet



English or Dutch

Session report

Also included in the price is a session report of the key elements/harvest that came out of your session that I will write afterwards and email to you. 

I will transcribe the keywords and sentences that I sense are important to take with you and clients report back that this helps them to ‘let go and be fully present during the session’ and that ‘revisiting their session like this greatly benefits further solidifying the outcomes of the work’.

Cancellation policy

Missed appointments will be charged in full unless rescheduled/canceled 24 hours in advance.

Expiration term

The package expires 3 months after our first session

*If you truly feel the call to start working with me, but you cannot pay the full amount at once, it’s also possible to pay in 2 terms (2x 272,50 euro) without extra charge. Please email me for further details.


Are you new to my work and my sessions?
Please contact me to schedule a (30-minute, free) Introduction Chat first to meet and discuss if and how we could start working together.

How do I work?

I am a trained trauma-informed Counsellor, Plant Medicine Preparation + Integration Specialist and somatic (‘body focused’) practitioner and during our sessions together, we will talk, but the most part will be spent on creating the space that allows your body to talk to you instead.

We will set up a direct ‘line of communication’ with your body without interference from the ‘mind’. We will shift to decoding what your body and subconscious are communicating to you (via emotions, physical sensations, or messages through mental images, visions, or words).

And with time and repetition, you will learn to trust, acknowledge and listen to your body more and actively start applying the guidance it gives you in your day-to-day life.

Our sessions

During our work together, I will invite you to bring your attention away from your rational, cognitive mind and into your body, subconscious, and intuition using various tools and techniques from different traditions.

I will provide a safe, supportive, and non-judgmental space where there is room for you and the struggles, teachings and victories that make your path in life valuable, sacred and unique. At all times, we will work together; I will meet you where you are.

What to expect after working together?

How would it be if you could…

Prepare for your Plant Medicine ceremony with self-confidence, knowing that you’ve covered all the essential elements to make your experience a beneficial one.

Come home from an intensive group ceremony knowing you’ve got private aftercare support from a trained professional who understands you because she has been there too (many, many times before).

Solidify the breakthrough you’ve been working on by yourself, maybe already for years, but couldn’t keep up without regular support and professional guidance.

Stop going to Plant Medicine ceremonies feeling frustrated, lost, overwhelmed and disappointed. Wondering “Am I doing something wrong?” when the afterglow wears off after a few weeks and you don’t reach the results you hoped for after coming home.

Make the tangible, lasting changes that finally enable you to lead a more fulfilled life and be a happier person (and partner, parent, friend, relative, or colleague) altogether.

Elias, the Netherlands, in his thirties

“After my trip to the Amazon, I scheduled my first-ever integration session with Marijntje. Her inviting and unconditional attitude encouraged me to start working together. I felt safe during the session. This way I was able to open myself up completely. Marijntje is a powerful listener who can also perceive very subtle things. Her somatic method was very valuable. Together, we examined what (wisdom) is actually in the body, and which signals from the body were ignored too much. Our work together helped me to feel more in tune with my body, with confidence and inner strength”.


Nicolle, USA, in her thirties

“I am so grateful I stumbled across Marijntje while searching for help with integration after some plant medicine ceremonies. I was doing so much “work” in my ceremonies but really needed assistance to deepen my understanding of what I was learning. Marijntje has helped me do just that! She is so gifted at what she does, her somatic work has not only helped me gain access to many lessons from ceremonies but has helped me in my everyday life with the practice of embodiment.

It has been such a gift working with her and I can’t recommend her enough to anyone looking to deepen their understanding and glean more wisdom from their plant medicine experiences”.


I am a new client, what type of support can I best start with?

This is a difficult question to answer because everybody’s situation is unique and what would be most beneficial for you depends on your personal situation, your ceremony preparation and/or integration wishes and also your previous experience with Plant Medicine.

That said, this Basic Foundation package is the perfect option for those wanting to start working with me and who wish to have extensive preparation and/or integration support for their psychedelic experience.

You are always welcome to schedule a (free, 30-minute) Introduction Chat to get to know each other a bit better before we possibly start working together and also for me to find out how I can best support you.

I am going on a holiday and won’t be able to finish the package in 3 months, is this a problem?

Not at all, I will make an exception if you are not able to finish the package in 3 months due to a holiday or if you are going on an offline ‘dieta’ or to a remote Plant Medicine retreat location. 
However, I generally advise scheduling our sessions not more than 3 weeks apart to uphold continuing our work together as optimally as possible.