Practicing versus Consuming
My clients fall into 3 different categories:
1) A large number of the clients who come to me for integration support take longer, indefinite breaks in between their Plant Medicine ceremonies to work on making lasting changes in their lives.
2) A smaller number don’t feel called to further commune with Plant Medicine anymore or feel that this one retreat gave enough to integrate (I have a client still working with his ceremony experiences of over 2 decades ago).
3) A growing number find themselves intuitively drawn to continue working with Plant Medicine and start developing a more frequent ceremony ‘practice’.
I started to fall into the third category myself over a decade ago…
Spiritual home
And I can recommend ‘landing’ at the ceremony setting that you are intuitively drawn to because it ignites your (personal, spiritual) growth and development. And to stay there to study the lineage. Be humble. Open yourself up to learn. Grow ‘spiritual roots’. And contribute by supporting the people and wider community involved in this brave work.
After connecting with different indigenous Plant Medicine lineages, I found my spiritual home (and family) in the Umbanda religious tradition from Brazil where I have been a student ever since.
I can honestly say that arriving there has been an enormous adventure (don’t worry I promise to write a book about it someday).
Coming Back
Coming back to Plant Medicine over and over again is not something you ‘plan’ and it is not for everyone (to put it mildly).
The large majority of my clients need a while before feeling ready to come back to another ceremony again. If they do at all.
Only a few find themselves intuitively coming back and developing a spiritual path in close connection with entheogenic Plant Teachers.
Practicing vs. Consuming
Looking back, my relationship with Plant Medicine has evolved to ‘practicing’ instead of mere ‘consuming’ and this is giving meaning to my life in more ways than I can express with words.
Introducing: Newsletter
I’ve started writing a monthly Newsletter, by joining, you’ll stay connected with new blogs, offers and supportive tips for your ‘path of the plants’.
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As a special give-away, on 31 December, I will pick two new subscribers to receive a free 1-hour online support session!