Push Pause

In today’s ‘ceremony land’ I see more and more new facilitators popping up in this already rich and diverse ‘forest’ of providers.
Some would go as far as framing this time and age as a ‘psychedelic Renaissance’ and I notice myself feeling apprehensive about the high gear in which these new providers seem to grow roots.
People who have been introduced to Plant Medicine and almost instantly feel ‘the call’ to start working with these sacred entheogens themselves.
Do your own Work
Don’t get me wrong, I think it’s beautiful wanting to step up and do and bring good into the world. However, working with these powerful mind-altering substances requires, first and foremost, many years of personal ‘hands-on practice’.
What I mean by this is that doing your own work by ‘cleaning out your closet’ should be the very first step on this path. This will require a lot of humbleness, trust, courage, perseverance and commitment from you every step of the way. And this could easily take years for most of us, depending on your level of support in this endeavor.
Because, both on my own ‘path of the plants’ (that started well over 10 years ago), and the processes I see many of my clients going through during their ceremony integration, I noticed that finding yourself an accountability partner or mentor is key.
Laundry after the Ecstasy
Somebody you trust and who possesses the knowledge and experience to support and guide you well.
Somebody who has been in your shoes and knows how to work through the laundry after the ecstasy.
This is what Plant Medicine integration also entails.
A big part of the support that I offer is focused on looking in the mirror, continuously working through the old and creating space for the new. The majority of my clients stay with me for months and sometimes even a few years.
Push pause
When people contact me asking my advice on ‘how to become a psychedelic ceremony facilitator’, I will ask how far they are with cleaning out their closet and generally suggest taking another few years to integrate their own Plant Medicine work first.
To push pause and switch gears.
Out of respect and care for these sacred plants and the Plant Medicine community at large.
Free mini session
Curious how I can support you? I offer a free online mini-session of 30-minutes.
Focused on supporting you to align yourself either going in, or coming out of a Plant Medicine ceremony or psychedelic retreat
I will assemble three personalized tips that you can bring to life that same day.
Sounds interesting?
You can find more info & book this session here below.