Learning a New Language

Because of upcoming travels to Brazil further this year (and the wish to better communicate with our Brazilian ceremony brothers and sisters), my partner Gijs and I decided to learn Portuguese.
Thankfully, we had a head start because of the hundreds of ceremonial songs, prayers and chants we already learned during our years spent in both Santo Daime and Umbanda ceremonies.
But…learning this new language (under the guidance of our Brazilian language teacher),
I am reminded of the importance of commitment, repetition, doing my homework and showing up to class.
Stagnated progress
And…how easy it is (especially during busy weeks), to let this commitment slide down my priority list, while quickly noticing how the progress made stagnates or even evaporates…
In my integration support sessions, I regularly use the metaphor of having to ‘learn a new language’ after coming back from a Plant Medicine ceremony because both processes have a lot in common.
Which commonalities?
-‘Translating’, ‘decoding’ and understanding the ‘language’ of your intuition and most of all: your body.
-Using the renewed neuroplasticity that working with Plant Medicine brings you to learn and grow new behavioral patterns.
-The importance of commitment, repetition and perseverance to sustain the transformation and change in a way that lasts.
I’ve had disappointed clients telling me they expected that the ceremony itself would magically ‘heal’ them or ‘solve their issues’… But, the honest story is that it is you who has to do the work.
To quote one of my integration mentors (Marc Aixalà):
“Psychedelics are catalysts, they open doors, but you will have to walk through them”.
Solidify your path
Yesterday, a long-term client ‘reconfirmed his wish to continue our work’ because he realized again how important our integration sessions are to support him in further solidifying his newfound path’.
In sum, you will not learn your new ‘language’ successfully if you don’t commit to the long-term work waiting for you after coming back from your Plant Medicine ceremony.
Are you struggling?
If you are struggling right now, or you notice a loved one having a hard time after coming back from a psychedelic experience, please know that my professional support is available.
The past few years, I have been working online from my independent Counselling practice successfully working together with clients from all over the world (and in a few hundred support sessions to date).
Free mini session
I offer a free online mini-session focused on supporting you to align yourself coming out of a Plant Medicine ceremony or psychedelic retreat.
By answering a few questions, I will assemble three personalized tips that you can bring to life that same day.
Sounds interesting? You are very welcome!