
“Working with Marijntje has been transformative. Over the last months, our preparation and integration work together has allowed me to gain a deeper connection to myself, my body’s wisdom, and the profound lessons that come through for me in sacred...


“I began working with Marijntje a few months ago and following a recent plant ceremony. I had previously been to several ceremonies without ever really working intentionally on integration. I would kid myself that I could do this on my own relying mainly on personal...


“Marijntje was able to guide me beyond the main topic I contacted her for. She helps me to have a view of myself from a different perspective. She works in a good and sensitive way. I am very appreciative of her work”.


“Working with Marijntje has been remarkably beneficial in preparing for and integrating my experiences with plant medicine. Having participated in numerous ceremonies over the years, the recent ones, where her guidance was included, proved to be especially...


“We have been working together for almost one year now and Marijntje helps me find alignment, that enhances my trajectory, thus this very existence. Awesome being. Sublime conversation partner. Truly compassionate. Plethora of wisdom. Open-minded to the moon!...